Movie/Pictures are mising after saving

  • Thread starter Thread starter Matthias Fuidl
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Matthias Fuidl

I finished to save my movie (~37 minutes) on HDD.
Watching it with some players (microsoft's, real-player, winamp) i found that there is missing the picture/movie after 22 minutes. Only the sound is alright. The picture is black!
Whats wrong?
Greets, Matthias from Germany

PS: Saved it as WMV, 2,1Mbit/s
Matthias, that is the EXACT problem I am having too, and it is a bonker of an
issue - I do not know what it causing it or how to fix it.

What I DO know is that this apparently only happens if you are making a
movie longer than 5 or 10 minutes.

Because Movie Maker gives me the "Movie Maker cannot create DVD because an
error occured" error message, I save my movies to the desktop as WMV files
first (btw anyone know a free WMV to MPEG converter? thank you). Then I play
them to confirm they work all the way through.

I hope someone solves your problem because it is also my problem too!

God bless you,
The first question would be is it always the same picture regardless of the
format you use to save in?
The 2nd would be what type of file is it? Sometimes different filetypes
cause issues with WMM.
Also what type of audio? Sometimes MP3's cause problems.
Next would be, since you say it happens only with longer movies, are you
using a lot of transitions and effects? Sometimes if a movie is too complex
there will either be anomalies as you are describing or you won't be able to
save the movie at all.
As to your question about converting to MPEG2 there are free converters
available but with anything free you get what you pay for.
I recommend downloading a free trial version of a commercial DVD authoring
program and trying it out. Most of them are not crippled and will allow you
to create and burn your DVD.
I have a list of the more popular programs on my website in the "DVD
Programs" section.
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