Movie Maker without needing SP2?

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Hi, I just did a clean install of Windows XP Pro with SP1 and I would like to
get Movie Maker now since I had it on my old computer and loved using it.
But all I can find so far is that I have to have SP2 in order to get or use
Movie Maker :(

Is there a way for me to download and use a stable version of Movie Maker
without having to upgrade to SP2?

Thank you everyone for your help :)
No, and that's too bad. You'll have to download sp2.
If you are going to be writing movies to DVD I would recomend Pinnacle studio.
You can save movies to your computer in several formats and Pinnacle has a
lot better effects. Suggest if you do, buy the program on disc not via
Sorry about the movie maker thing.
Thanks for the link...but is there anywhere that has moviemaker 2.1 for
download individually? i REALLY dont want sp2...
MM2.1 has never been made available as an individual download by Microsoft.
Some people have claimed and provided a link but I have never seen any
working download link. Even if somebody had put together such a package
privately, it will be not advisable to download it an mess your system.

What is exactly uou need 2.1 for that is not in 2.0 ?
Thanks for the link...but is there anywhere that has moviemaker 2.1 for
download individually? i REALLY dont want sp2...

MM21 isn't available anywhere outside of sp2.

I too need it because I have problems with mine. The only solution seems to
be reinstalling sp2. (Either over itself or uninstall / reinstall.) Before
I do that though, I'm going to have to get around to making a backup,
because sp2 can be dangerous. And I'm just not in the mood to spend the
hours needed to do a full backup.

And I too didn't really want sp2.

The reality is there are very few benefits. For the user, the biggest thing
is the pop-up blocker and Outlook Express having the ability to not display
html in email.

They added a firewall, but it's still so weak you still need a real one.

They supposedly recompiled parts of it to reduce the chances of buffer
overflow, but that's no real guarantee. And it wont effect other types of

They've enabled "NX" but that's irrelevant for most people. It'll be many
years before enough people have a cpu that supports it to be significant.
Even then it's not really important. (Meaning it could have waited and have
been done in something other than a mandatory service pack.)

They didn't fix any bugs.

They modified the tcp stuff, which now causes problems for legitmate

They force WMP9 and it's newer DRM onto you, even if you don't want it. (I
don't use WMP.)

A few minor changes to IE, but they didn't do them in a way to actually make
them effectively useful.

There really aren't any significant reason to do sp2, but.....

Unfortunately, sp2 is pretty much mandatory. And as soon as they get most
people upgraded, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they stopped making
patches and security fixes for the original and sp1 versions.

They've said they'll let the companies with xp pro delay sp2 for up to 360
days. That's another few months.

After that.... I wouldn't be at all surprised if sp2 becomes mandatory for
any sort of patch or security update.

(If you it makes you feel better, go over to the sp2 cd order page and order
a couple hundred of them. At least that way it'll cost Microsoft some
money. They wont feel it, but it might make you feel better.)

It wouldn't be so bad if there was actually something in sp2 that made it
worth all the trouble and all the risk to your system. But there isn't.

SP2 is an upgrade, not just a patch. It should be treated just as seriously
as if you were going to upgrade from XP Home to XP Pro. Or Win98 to XP.
Etc. But unfortunately, it's a useless upgrade.

However, as for MM21... I've read a very few messages that seem to suggest
it occasionally drops frames. Some people are saying every 27th frame.
Others are just saying the 27th frame of each clip.

I don't know. I can't get MM21 to run, so I can't test it.

But I've seen it in enough places that I'm pretty sure there is something
odd about some 27th frame somewhere.
Hi Public posting

You have raised a long list of points... Some of them are just usual MS
bashing which seems somewhat unjustified. Many people say similar things
about XP itself; compared to Win2k, it doesn't offer "any meaty" features
justifying upgrade... But anyway thats a seperate discussion...

The main features of MM2.1 are listed on:

If you really need any of these features in Movie maker then your only
option is SP2 whether you like it or not. If you can live without those
three features (and I dont see why not) then MM2.0 is the same video editor
as MM2.1.
However, as for MM21... I've read a very few messages that seem to suggest
it occasionally drops frames. Some people are saying every 27th frame.
Others are just saying the 27th frame of each clip.

I don't know. I can't get MM21 to run, so I can't test it.

But I've seen it in enough places that I'm pretty sure there is something
odd about some 27th frame somewhere.

This is a bug carried over from 2.0: MM drops 27th frame of every clip when
you save as DV AVI.

If you have alot of small clips a possible workaround is to export in WMV
format. To avoid worries about compression artifacts, one can make a custom
WMV profile that exports Full uncompressed frames using Windows Media
Here is a set of such profiles I made earlier:

Rehan - get more effects and transitions for movie maker
Rehan said:
Hi Public posting

You have raised a long list of points... Some of them are just usual MS
bashing which seems somewhat unjustified. Many people say similar things

Depends on how long you've used Microsoft. I've been using computers for 20
years. A lot of that time with Microsoft.

about XP itself; compared to Win2k, it doesn't offer "any meaty" features
justifying upgrade... But anyway thats a seperate discussion...

Even most of the professional reviews point out that there is very little in
sp2 that's worth anything to a user. And that although there are some
security items in it, most of those are already addressed with a fully
patched sp1. And that realistically, there isn't enough in there to make
it a mandatory upgrade, like Microsoft is doing.
The main features of MM2.1 are listed on:

If you really need any of these features in Movie maker then your only
option is SP2 whether you like it or not. If you can live without those
three features (and I dont see why not) then MM2.0 is the same video
editor as MM2.1.

Except for the not so minor point that MM20 doesn't work if you have sp2

Trying install mm20 over sp2's mm21 supposedly doesn't work.

And they don't provide MM21 as a seperate download.

You have to either install sp2 on top of itself, or uninstall / reinstall
sp2. Both are rather risky items, considering how much trouble many people
have with sp2.
This is a bug carried over from 2.0: MM drops 27th frame of every clip
when you save as DV AVI.

Are you sure it's only DV avi and not regular video? Most of what I've read
says regular video.

Yet another bug that Microsoft hasn't had the urge to fix.

I've never really understood why they don't actually fix bugs. All they do
is do security issues or critical bugs in drivers etc.

My guess is the main reason they don't fix bugs is that's the main reason
people actually upgrade. The hope that the bugs will get fixed.