Hi Awelch...
Picture Package came with my Sony HC40 too....I played with it a little bit,
disliked it so much I uninstalled it, and never went back to it.... ha ha
No, it cannot edit like you can in Movie Maker....it mostly allows you to
your movies and put them on a cd. I found it very hard to use and figure
out, and
then when I did, it wouldnt work right....so I killed it! ha ha ha
Movie Maker is
so easy and can do so much it is a great program. I showed a local DJ guy
how to use it and now he's giving me dvd's to watch so he can brag about his
'great' vids and slideshows!!! ha ha Oh, the pain of it all....actually
they are pretty good, as long as he doesn't slip in any of his vacation
movies or something. later ....