Movie Maker Freezing

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I am trying to edit a movie in Movie Maker. After clicking on a
clip, my system freezes. I am using Windows XP Professional and I think I
have the most recent updates. I was there was an issue with Movie Maker and
WinDVD and that I needed WinDVD Platinum. I uninstalled WinDVD and
installed WindDVD Platinum. Still have the problem. I went out and bought
Roxio Media Creator to use that program and it worked fine. Then, I tried
Maker again. Amazingly, it worked. I then uninstalled Roxio because I no
longer needed it. Movie Maker went back to my original problem. Then, I
did a restore to put Roxio back on. Movie Maker works again. I don't like
to keep programs that I'm not using on the computer, but if I remove Roxio,
Movie Maker stops working.

Any ideas?

Go to my website and select the OLD website (Its on the opening screen) and
download the program called Rename Codecs. Also go to the tutorial and
watch/read how it will temporarily rename the known problem
files that you probably have....

There is also an advanced tab in the options for movie maker where you can
deselt one or more codecs...providing you have the latest version of Movie
Maker and providing the advanced tab actually works...for some it does tells me I have codecs that I know I do not because I do not have
that software !!!

Give them both a try....

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
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I've tried this website and it didn't work. Plus, I don't really understand
the whole codecs thing. Is there anything else I can do?
Actually, it's not freezing any more. Now, when I play a clip from the
storyboard, I get audio, but I don't get video.