yah mine does it too. Doesn't matter anymore. i make sure
they are not curropted videos. they aren't. Movie Maker
either locks up while importing, or it crashes and
says "Movie Maker must close now" blah blah blah. I'm
trying to do a project of mine, which I might add on
Saturday this weekend was working fine. I'm trying to
import those very same video files and it won't do it
anymore. They are all avi's saved with the Indeo Codec. No
audio. they worked before and now they don't. Plz help me
before I go buy a program!
they are not curropted videos. they aren't. Movie Maker
either locks up while importing, or it crashes and
says "Movie Maker must close now" blah blah blah. I'm
trying to do a project of mine, which I might add on
Saturday this weekend was working fine. I'm trying to
import those very same video files and it won't do it
anymore. They are all avi's saved with the Indeo Codec. No
audio. they worked before and now they don't. Plz help me
before I go buy a program!