Movie Maker cpature problems

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I am trying to capture video from an older Sony analog Sony video 8 handycam.
I still get amessage the Windows can not find a capture device. I have a
Pinnacle captyre card, Redstone 5.1, but it still cannot find the capture
device. Any help would be much appricated.u--
Hello there,
The requirement is that the device MUST BE compatible with a set of
commands loosely referred to as the DV command set or more properly API
(Application Provider Interface) A device claiming to have Video In &
Video Out is only that. It does not imply that it is compatible with DV
In/Out. I should also say that this DV standard is also a reference to the
dimensions and colour depth of the image as well as data rate

I can not comment on your capture card, never had one. But, the question
you can ask is, Can my camera be remote controlled ? Can it be told to move
the tape forward or back, told to Play or Stop. AND can this be done via
your capture card If the answer is yes it still does not mean it complies
to the DV standard but it is a long way towards it You will have to consult
the capture card manual and decide whether it is doing what it claims to be
capable of

If you also have a DV camera with S-VHS IN then you can do what is called a
Pass-through capture. The way that works for me is...

Connect S-VHS from old Panasonic camera to S-VHS-IN socket of DV camera
Ensure that there is no tape in the DV camera
Switch DV camera to VCR mode
Connect Firewire from DV camera to Firewire port on Computer
Tell Movie Maker to start capture (even though it complains there is no
Start VHS camera playing

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
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