Movie Maker Capture Problem

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When I capture a movie off my Sony camera it appears based on file size that
I get the entire movie. However, if I create clips automatically or import
the file, the movie is trunctated at 47 seconds. The movie is 20 minutes
long. Anyone know why this is happening?
How are you capturing the movie?

Is the movie split into multiple clips with just the first one being 47

Out of curiousity, it there anything weird happens in the movie at 47

Thread-Topic: Movie Maker Capture Problem
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From: "=?Utf-8?B?UGFya3M=?=" <[email protected]>
Subject: Movie Maker Capture Problem
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 12:35:08 -0800
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When I capture a movie off my Sony camera it appears based on file size
I get the entire movie. However, if I create clips automatically or import
the file, the movie is trunctated at 47 seconds. The movie is 20 minutes
long. Anyone know why this is happening?


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Thanks for responding. I figured it out in the interim. Camera only came
with USB cable which I was trying to use. Problem solved by switching to
firewire cable purchased this afternoon.