Movie Maker 2.1 Crashing

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I'm not sure if the problem I'm having is related to XP SP 2 or not because I
think it might've been happening before that. The problem I have is that
Movie Maker hangs and does not respond. This primarily happens when I'm in
the process of capturing video. I'm able to capture video if I do short
clips, but the longer I go into the process, the more of a chance there is
that it will crash. One way I can tell that it's about to crash is if no
preview is being displayed when I'm playing the video on the camcorder (not
capturing). It has crashed at other times as well, but it crashes just about
every time I try to capture something. I have a Sony Digital 8 Camcorder and
I'm capturing through a firewire. It seems that somehow the camcorder and my
computer stop communicating during the process. However, I've done a test
capture using WinDV, and it seems to work fine. But, it does seem to be a
little choppy in places when doing the test capture. Does anybody have any
suggestions on what the problem might be?
I should mention that the capture process did work at one point, but it seems
to have deteriorated over time.
What are the pc specs? Do you have anything else running, like
internet/anti-virus/firewall/screensaver/poer save modes etc? Turn all these
off. Defrag the hdd. Is it the same drive as the O/S drive, if so either
partition it or use another hdd. How long are the "long" clips? making more
space on the drive and then defragging may help.
I have Pentium Centrino Mobile Processor of 1.6Ghz, 512 MB RAM, 40 GB Hard
Drive, Win XP Home. I do try to make sure my internet is turned off, but
that doesn't seem to make a difference. I haven't tried turning off my
screensaver or power save modes. I defrag my hard drive on at least a weekly
basis, and sometimes more frequently. I've noticed that when I'm capturing
video and it crashes, this tends to really fragment my hard drive.
Everything is on the same drive as well. I have about 10 GB available on the
Hard drive right now. Let me know what else I can do.
Video capture takes up loads of space as you have not doubt found out. 10gb
is only about 45 mins of dv-avi video.
If you are serious about video editing and don't want to have to use the
compressed wmv format for capturing, I'd suggest a seperate hdd for
capturing to, maybe an external firewire one. As you save to the same hdd as
the O/S, you have the pc trying to read and write at the same time to the
disc, which isn't good when you are trying to input lots of data.
Yeah, when I used to capture through Sony DV Gate, it would take 1 GB for
about 5 minutes of video. However, when I'm capturing through Movie Maker,
it takes up much less room. I used to have a Sony VAIO, which had a
partioned hard drive. I now have a new laptop without the partition. Do you
think that there's an issue with using a laptop?
In the options menu have a look at the codecs and try turning them off one
at a time and see if that helps.
You are using *.wmv capture then, this is compressed and takes up less room
as it is not as good quality as dv-avi.How long is the movie in MM that you
are trying to capture and does it always crash at a similar time point, ie
after about 10 mins, or is it random, same 5 mins one day and 15 mins the
This is two problems, MM crashing is one and windv choppyness another.
Windv will only capture as a dv-avi, this being better quality takes up more
out of the laptop and it obviously can't cope, and that is why it appears
choppy. Partioning the drive may help, check dma is enabled, a defrag right
before capture is best and one after as well. Laptops also have slower
spinning hard drives which can be a problem.
The movie is about an hour long. It crashes at random times. I did go into
the compatability area, and I unchecked all of the codecs (there were only
3). That didn't seem to make much of a difference either. I do all of my
capturing through MM2. MM2 doesn't only crash when I'm capturing video. It
will also do it when I am simply editing the video; however, this mainly
happens in the timeline view.
Yeah, I've been looking at that and trying to work with John directly. We
haven't gotten very far either.
I have the same problem and specs don't matter. I have a gig of ram, turned
off the internet, spyware, and virus programs it still crashes. my clips are
between 45 seconds and 20 minutes. In the beginning I was able to make hour
long movies now I can't do squat. Any suggestions?
My problem is that I can sign into this site but can't post a msg. But get
this: When I open MSAS at Help, then submenu, MS Antispyware Help--Windows
Movie Maker opens with msg MSAS chm is not a Movie Maker project! Can't get
rid of this problem even with uninstalling/reinstalling MSAS!
Also Microsoft web site for MM2 doesn't show a download and I've read that
Movie Maker is in SP2. So how do I get MM2 then?