Movie index, Complete List

Jun 13, 2005
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OK i dont have one for you guys, but i need to know where one is. Im creating a database to organize my movie collection. I need a complete list of exisitng movies, thier actors/actresses and director as well as the year it was released. I also need a list of hollywoods current and previous actors.

Please Help me!
#^%#& cariage return.
anyway i have been to imdb but was not able to find a list. IM looking for something as a text file or even complete listing, ive not the time to browse through and merge 10,000 or movies
Is there such a beast on the site that i missed?
I am afraid that is a tall order. I doubt that you will find something like that, everyone who keeps a collection of either movies or music must compile their own list.

Good luck in your search
yes alas it is true and i have done so 840+ movies now mostly(some absent) hold the details. A database that will auto load actor, director,year based on movie title. Report prints them alphabetically including an index on each page displaying the first word of the first anfd last movies on that page.
its neato
Well you gonna tell us all what the name of this database is then or what...
my appoligies, the truth comes not in my search but in creation.
i cannot refewr anyone to a database of such magical power, only offer mine to those that wish it