Windows Vista moved folders in big trouble

Mar 23, 2009
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I decided to tidy things up in my user i created a folder to put all the files in which were of no interest to me Ie local, temp, appdata etc. Now all,sorts of things have gone haywire including access problems, i.e I can connect to the internet but my computer tells me I have no connection and i have to sign in with my password each tells me no devices found. My eos facility just won't work I've tried moving things back ...and now I'm not sure A) where they came from or B) where to put them.
Can anyone tell whats happened and if I can remedy it ...In laymans terms.
:eek: As you've found out, moving folders like that is not a good idea. However, you may be able to rescue the situation by creating a new user account in the control panel (and then copy all your old files across). :thumb:

I think creating a new user account will let you start from afresh, but you'll need to set some things up again (such as personalisation settings).
Thanks. I've set up a new user and set up an email account with the same address but which account will my mail come into ..and...My old account won't let me export contacts....AND ..oh dear, how do i copy files across when i have to log out of one account to get into another. i fear i am making a bigger mess but hopefully learning all the time.
Use an external storage device, such as an external hardrive or a USB stick