I am running RC1 Evaluation Copy Build 5600. It is a dual boot of Windows XP
, Windows Vista (I
and it appears to be working well. However....
I was looking to perform a simple move of files from my internal backup hard
drive (K) to the desktop of Windows Vista. (NOTE: I do this all the time in
Windows XP).
In my Vista configuration, I have 2 logins - a Limited User account and the
administrator account. The internal backup hard drive (K) has been in use
for a year and is reliable. I use it for backing up files in Windows XP.
It's a 250 GB drive. I purposely places 10 jpeg files on the root to test
the reliability of moving files after I heard about a problem from one of my
I navigated to my backed up jpeg files by opening My Computer and then
opening the (K) drive and I saw the files. I Ctrl-Left Clicked to select 5
of the files.... then I right-clicked and held the click to drag the files
to the desktop. Windows prompted me to authenticate the operation using my
admin login. I typed the password, it was accepted. The operation looked as
if it was happening.... the dialogue box indicated that Windows was moving 5
files. When the operation looked as if it was done, I minimized the open
windows and the files were nowhere to be found on the desktop.
Thinking that perhaps the files were on the desktop, but perhaps not visible
in my desktop area, I navigated to find them in the directory structure.
(NOTE: I have a 20" Dell 2001FP Display. )
I went to: My Computer --> I: Windows Vista (NOTE: This is where I have
Vista installed -- I'm doing a dual boot) --> Users --> devron1 (this is the
limited user account that I was currently in) --> Desktop. The files were
nowhere to be found in that location as well. Desperately, I right-clicked
on the desktop and selected "Undo Move" and the operation moved the files
back to my K: drive safely.
Is this a problem with using multiple logins? This seems like a major issue
to me.

I was looking to perform a simple move of files from my internal backup hard
drive (K) to the desktop of Windows Vista. (NOTE: I do this all the time in
Windows XP).
In my Vista configuration, I have 2 logins - a Limited User account and the
administrator account. The internal backup hard drive (K) has been in use
for a year and is reliable. I use it for backing up files in Windows XP.
It's a 250 GB drive. I purposely places 10 jpeg files on the root to test
the reliability of moving files after I heard about a problem from one of my
I navigated to my backed up jpeg files by opening My Computer and then
opening the (K) drive and I saw the files. I Ctrl-Left Clicked to select 5
of the files.... then I right-clicked and held the click to drag the files
to the desktop. Windows prompted me to authenticate the operation using my
admin login. I typed the password, it was accepted. The operation looked as
if it was happening.... the dialogue box indicated that Windows was moving 5
files. When the operation looked as if it was done, I minimized the open
windows and the files were nowhere to be found on the desktop.
Thinking that perhaps the files were on the desktop, but perhaps not visible
in my desktop area, I navigated to find them in the directory structure.
(NOTE: I have a 20" Dell 2001FP Display. )
I went to: My Computer --> I: Windows Vista (NOTE: This is where I have
Vista installed -- I'm doing a dual boot) --> Users --> devron1 (this is the
limited user account that I was currently in) --> Desktop. The files were
nowhere to be found in that location as well. Desperately, I right-clicked
on the desktop and selected "Undo Move" and the operation moved the files
back to my K: drive safely.
Is this a problem with using multiple logins? This seems like a major issue
to me.