move to c#

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alexandre
  • Start date Start date


I have a software (made in visual fox) that is installed in 600 machines...
I want to move the software to C#... but i have a question;

Will i have to install the framework on then 600 machines? Will it decrease
the peformance of the machines?

The machines have 64MB of memory and 700 mhz (processor)
and windows 98, is that a good configuration to run a application made in

thanks a lot,
Will i have to install the framework on then 600 machines?

Will it decrease the peformance of the machines?

Hmm, not notably I think.
The machines have 64MB of memory and 700 mhz (processor)
and windows 98, is that a good configuration to run a application
made in c#?

Win98 is a supported platform for the .NET Framework. If it's a good config
to run .NET, I really don't know.

-- Rob.
Yes I agree.

Win 98 and NET + Threading, wee ... - speed isn't best.

if you use 2000 or xp less than 256 ram, work day ends before you can do
Basically yes.

I also suggest use postgresql as sql server, conside using java for UI or
wait to see
is .NET starts working on linux.

I made all these bad choiches and now converting MS sql to postgre and may
be UI to java.
This is big project(accounting) and takes lots of time to conevert, minimum
6 month, much $$$ must be wasted
because of my first choiches.
about the machine configuration...

I installed my app for an accounting company a few months ago and their
machine config was Celeron 600Mhz with 64 or 128 mb ram (not sure) and
Windows 98. It works ok... For testing purposes I tried it on my old P2 266
with 64 ram and it would still work...
But I did use an ODBC (access) data source, so no sql server was needed...

Windows 98. It works ok... For testing purposes I tried it on my old P2 266
with 64 ram and it would still work...
I didn't say that it won't work, but speed is bull.

It may also depend application difficulty (does it uses threading for data
retrieval, how sofisticated is ui, ...)
(If you want see/compare my app see (Wisk))

Threading in win98 is worst, some ui elements works almost ok.