I am using this code that you posted above (with the count function rather then the subtotal); however in addition to moving the "part number Count" cell in column B five columns to the right, I also need to move the column C value directly next to the column B "part number Count" value five cells to the right - moving the "part number Count" and the actual value of the Count in the margin to the right of all my data. I am very new to VBA in excel.
Your help would be endlessly appreciated as this would save me hours of manual counting and writing on printouts.
Thank you!!
Gord Dibben wrote:
Re: Move SUBTOTAL cells
Your original just needed a twea
For Each c In Range("b2:b100"
If InStr((c.Value), "Total") The
c.Cut Destination:=c.Offset(0, 1
End I
You don't have to activate or select anything
Gord Dibben MS Excel MV
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Move SUBTOTAL cells
Have come across a situation where, for presentation purposes the SUBTOTAL
rows need to be moved one cell to the right
Have been struggling with the following but need some assistance, which will
be greatly appreciated
- Mik
For Each c In Range("b2:b100"
If InStr((c.Value), "Total") The
c.Cut Destination:=ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1
End I
Try inserting a cell which will "push" the other cells to the right (or
Try inserting a cell which will "push" the other cells to the right (or down
Dim Cell As Rang
For Each Cell In Range("b2:b100"
If InStr(Cell, "Total") > 0 Then Cell.Insert Shift:=xlToRigh
Next Cel
That's exactly what I had at first, but it also pushes everything else on each
That's exactly what I had at first, but it also pushes everything else on
each row to the right --- needed only the text moved
But ended up figuring it out, here's that solution ..
For Each c In Range("b2:b100"
If InStr((c.Value), "Total") The
c.Cut Destination:=ActiveCell.Range("b1"
End I
Re: Move SUBTOTAL cells
Your original just needed a twea
For Each c In Range("b2:b100"
If InStr((c.Value), "Total") The
c.Cut Destination:=c.Offset(0, 1
End I
You don't have to activate or select anything
Gord Dibben MS Excel MV
Re: Move SUBTOTAL cells
Works great, and shorter code
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