Move HD from NT 4

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We have a hard drive (actually 2, they are mirrored) on an NT 4 Sp6 server
with user files on it. We want to remove the hard drive from the server and
place it into a Windows 2000 server. Assuming there is no hardware
problems, is there anything I need to be aware of? Can this be done? I
know Windows 2000 uses NTFS 5 and NT4 uses NTFS 4, do I need to upgrade the
file system to NTFS 5. We don't want to just move the files, because we
would loose the security permissions. We would also like to make use of
these hard drives for the user folders.

Please advise.

Dave P
As George already pointed out, your file system will automatically be
upgraded to the W2K native version. If you plan on using that hard
drive in an NT4 machine again, it will need to be running at least SP4
and native NT4 disk utils (such as chkdsk) will no longer run on it.

Thank you George and Ricardo for your answers. I appreciate it

Dave P

Windows 2000 will automatically change the NTFS as soon as it recognizes the
drive on the system to the version it uses. This is also true for Windows
XP and Windows 2003.