Move hard drive

Nov 7, 2006
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Haven’t done this before but I was curious. Can you plug one hard drive with operating system from one PC to another PC and boot with that hard drive? I am asking this so that when my motherboard dies I can use another PC with same hard drive.

I guess I can try but if you guys already know the answer why waste time right?
Erm yeah I think ive done it before however not on the new operating systems

However if the other PC has the same spec i dont see why not.

There is a lot more involved nowadays than simply plugging and external drive or internal drive in and hoping it will work simply due to driver implications and what not. While I say yes it might I do doubt it unless that are of very similar specs.
And having two pc's exactly the same spec nowadays is quite rare

You may find software out there to do it but as a straight swap i'm on the fence
Thanks for the reply. Your answer where it says "however not on the new operating system" is right. While i was waiting for rpely i decided to give it a try with the hard drive that has windows 3.1. and it work. didn't try with windows xp or such. I tried with completly different spec and it work. May be someone will try new operating system and if i try i will post here.
i've had some weird experiences with this sort of thing, i tried to boot my new PC with the HD from my old PC and no joy but i was able to run the programs off my old HD when i was using it as a slave in my new PC !?

old PC was running XP home and the new one is XP Pro
likewise. i have a hd out of a pc that was burned and hosed by the fire dept.
i can run programs from it, like corel draw. amazing.
(yes, i had to make registry entries pointing to the old hd...)
thats the thing, i never tweaked anything it just worked, even let me access the documents folders without doing a thing, whereas i've had some real arguments with other drives !?
I think it's a matter of specs. A hard drive can run on a different PC with near the same specs. The drivers can load and drive the peripherals.
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