Move Files


Launa Windows

Have an Access 2003 database that includes links to html photo galleries.

Each record links to a directory that contains a series of html files - the
directory is named using a numeric field from the record - e.g. c:\80845

We need to archive some of these to save space - am looking for a way to
automatically do the following based on a status field in the record:

1) Move the files in c:\80845 to f:\80845
2) Delete the existing c:\80845 directory
3) change the hyperlink field of the record to reflect f:\80845\index.html
rather than c:

Any help appreciated





Launa Windows schreibselte:
Have an Access 2003 database that includes links to html photo

Each record links to a directory that contains a series of html files
- the directory is named using a numeric field from the record - e.g.

We need to archive some of these to save space - am looking for a way
to automatically do the following based on a status field in the

1) Move the files in c:\80845 to f:\80845
2) Delete the existing c:\80845 directory
3) change the hyperlink field of the record to reflect
f:\80845\index.html rather than c:

You can try in that way:

Sub ChangePath(OldPath As String, NewPath As String)

Dim sSQL As String

Const TableName = "Tabelle"
Const FieldName = "Test"

Name OldPath As NewPath

sSQL = "UPDATE " & TableName & " SET " & FieldName & "=" & _
"Replace(" & FieldName & ",'" & OldPath & "','" & NewPath & "') " & _
"WHERE " & FieldName & " Like '*" & OldPath & "*';"

CurrentDb.Execute sSQL

End Sub




Jörg Ackermann schreibselte:

I saw this...
Name OldPath As NewPath

Then Name... will not work, sorry

Make first:

Sub CopyFiles(OldPath As String, NewPath As String)

Call Shell("xcopy " & OldPath & "*.* " & NewPath & "*.*", vbNormalFocus)

End Sub

in imadiate window:
Call CopyFiles("c:\80845\", "f:\80845\")


Sub ChangePath(OldPath As String, NewPath As String)

Dim sSQL As String

Const TableName = "Tabelle"
Const FieldName = "Test"

sSQL = "UPDATE " & TableName & " SET " & FieldName & "=" & _
"Replace(" & FieldName & ",'" & OldPath & "','" & NewPath & "') " & _
"WHERE " & FieldName & " Like '*" & OldPath & "*';"

CurrentDb.Execute sSQL

End Sub

in imadiate window:
Call ChangePath("c:\80845\", "f:\80845\")




Jörg Ackermann schreibselte:

a note:

I assumed your Hyperlinks are absolute.
If you have relative Hyperlinks you have to
adapt the second sub to work.


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