Here's an excerpt from http://www.lebans.com/mousewheelonoff.htm:
You could also place this code in the Load event of a single Form.
Remember you need to call these functions only ONE TIME. The MouseHook
will look after the MouseWheel messages for all forms that you have
open now or at any time during your current session. Remember to turn
the MouseWheel back on before you exit the current session!
Where do you turn the MouseWheel back on before you exit the current
session? What exactly is a "session" in Access and are there events
associated with starting/stopping a session?
You could also place this code in the Load event of a single Form.
Remember you need to call these functions only ONE TIME. The MouseHook
will look after the MouseWheel messages for all forms that you have
open now or at any time during your current session. Remember to turn
the MouseWheel back on before you exit the current session!
Where do you turn the MouseWheel back on before you exit the current
session? What exactly is a "session" in Access and are there events
associated with starting/stopping a session?