Hi my cousin is handicapped and used mousekeys on win98
with no problems in any programs but now with the new
computer the mousekeys option wont click on anything in
Games like EQ, Deerhunter series and others it moves the
mouse but wont click ive tries on both my machine running
XP and got the same result. and my win98 and win 2000
machines works fine. Any clue on how to fix it wlould be
appreicated. ive been on the phone with 3 different
software supports for the programs and they all say its a
microsoft mousekeys issue in XP if it works in earlier
versions of windows.
with no problems in any programs but now with the new
computer the mousekeys option wont click on anything in
Games like EQ, Deerhunter series and others it moves the
mouse but wont click ive tries on both my machine running
XP and got the same result. and my win98 and win 2000
machines works fine. Any clue on how to fix it wlould be
appreicated. ive been on the phone with 3 different
software supports for the programs and they all say its a
microsoft mousekeys issue in XP if it works in earlier
versions of windows.