Mousehook DLL issue

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I'm using Access 97. I'm using Stephan Lebans mousehook dll code in my app
and get the following error:

Runtime error: 53
File not found: Mousehook

The error occurs on the line of code that turns on the mousehook (indicated
by arrows):

Public Function MouseWheelON() As Boolean
---> MouseWheelON = StartMouseWheel(Application.hWndAccessApp) <---
If hLib <> 0 Then
hLib = FreeLibrary(hLib)
End If
End Function

I have the mousehook.dll in the same directory as the app. Is this even the
right code to use for Access 97? Any other suggestions?

"Is this even the right code to use for Access 97?"

I don't know, is it? Leban has a separate set of code for Access 97. You'll
find it here:

You have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to find it.

Good Luck!

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!

Answers/posts based on Access 2000

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Looks like the same code. And I get the same error. Don't get it. The
mousehook.dll file is in the same directory as the app.

I thought this process didn't require registration or anything else. Am I
Did you import the modMouseHook code module from my sample MDB into your own

As the Web page states I am no longer producing A97 specific versions of
MouseHook. To ensure you are using the latest version I would suggest you
download the A2K version and convert it to A97 directly.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

I think it's another issue. I've come to believe it is a mouse driver
issue. Intellipoint version 4.2 seems to work versus the later versions of
the driver.
Craig the MouseHook solution works with later versions of the INtellipoint
Did you download the A2K version and convert it to A97 as I suggested?


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.