I'm using Access 97. I'm using Stephan Lebans mousehook dll code in my app
and get the following error:
Runtime error: 53
File not found: Mousehook
The error occurs on the line of code that turns on the mousehook (indicated
by arrows):
Public Function MouseWheelON() As Boolean
---> MouseWheelON = StartMouseWheel(Application.hWndAccessApp) <---
If hLib <> 0 Then
hLib = FreeLibrary(hLib)
End If
End Function
I have the mousehook.dll in the same directory as the app. Is this even the
right code to use for Access 97? Any other suggestions?
and get the following error:
Runtime error: 53
File not found: Mousehook
The error occurs on the line of code that turns on the mousehook (indicated
by arrows):
Public Function MouseWheelON() As Boolean
---> MouseWheelON = StartMouseWheel(Application.hWndAccessApp) <---
If hLib <> 0 Then
hLib = FreeLibrary(hLib)
End If
End Function
I have the mousehook.dll in the same directory as the app. Is this even the
right code to use for Access 97? Any other suggestions?