Here is something from the famous Dev Ashish
The equivalent Access form event is OnMouseMove. We can
call a function to show the desired effect and then from
the surrounding section's OnMouseMove event, call a
function to remove the effect. For each label on a form,
place a call to function fSetFontBold from their
OnMouseMove event and pass the label's name as an argument
to the function.[OnMouseMove] =
fSetFontBold("lblThisLabel")From the OnMouseMove event of
the surrounding detail section, call the function
fRemoveFontBold.[OnMouseMove] = fRemoveFontBold()Create
a form level variable.Dim mstPrevControl As
String'**************** Code Start *************' This code
was originally written by Dev Ashish.
' It is not to be altered or distributed,' except as part
of an application.' You are free to use it in any
application,' provided the copyright notice is left
unchanged.'' Code Courtesy of' Dev Ashish'
Function fSetFontBold(stControlName As String)
Const cBold = 700
Const cNormal = 400
On Error Resume Next
With Me(mstPrevControl)
.FontWeight = cNormal
.ForeColor = 1279872587
End With
mstPrevControl = stControlName
With Me(stControlName)
.FontWeight = cBold
.ForeColor = 0
End With
End Function
Function fRemoveFontBold()
Const cNormal = 400
On Error Resume Next
With Me(mstPrevControl)
.FontWeight = cNormal
.ForeColor = 1279872587
End With
'End Function
'***************** Code End ****************
-----Original Message-----
Hi All,
I vaguely remember seeing an example database (maybe downloaded from
Microsoft) that showed a menu using a nice mouse-over effect.
I know that is very little information, but does anyone have an idea what I
am talking about and where I could find it?
Thanks for the help.