One of the lasts posts mentioned using Javascript, Stephany. Besides, I
cannot see you being much good. See Scott's post below & my advice under:
Scott's Post:
This is not done with server-side code since the mouse clicks originate at
the client.
Use JavaScript and the onMouseDown client-side event handler to accomplish
You can just say
if e.button = 2 then"Disabled")
end if
You can also subclass a standard textbox to remove the context menu items
you wish, but it you use CTRL + C... then its not always good
But I had the same thing many years ago in a windows app & it was handled in
WndProc with the subclassing as mentioned above
There is always that you create a blank context menu & add that to the
textbox1.contextmenu = contextmenu1...
That way when you right-click you get nothing
I have deleted the subclassing removing the paste/copy items now so I cannot
pass it on - sorry
I hope this has given you some ideas,
Newbie Coder