Solution still not clear
I have found several instances of this "Excel mouse problem" on the net and there aren't any clear solutions. I tried switching from optical (Logitech, with wheel) to and OLD logitech 3 button ball mouse - no change. (all this was without rebooting. (I can't afford to reboot because other people are using files over the LAN from my machine). I wonder if rebooting would have fixed it. I am running XP Pro and Office2k. I have seen this before and don't know how I solved it. This time, kind of freaky, I unplugged the mouse, accessed the my work station from another station (started Excel) had the same problem, and then when I plugged in the mouse (optical) the poblem mysteriously vanished. I don't think it is the mouse, I think windows gets into some kind of weird state and the trick is to reset it. (I wonder if a plain old reboot would have fixed it). It is just that today, I couldn't reboot until quite a bit later and I NEED to use Excel. So I started poking around and am offering my two cents.