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Don't know if anyone can help me with this. The other day Gaetan and Steve
R were kind enough to spellout some VB code but I realized even that was
over my head...I appreciated his feedback on my VB question the other day,
but I'm quite confused. can anyone spellout in lay-persons terms how I
execute the code below so that I can do a mouse-over color change on one of
7 rectangles on a particular slide?

Essentially I really don't know how to incorporate this code into my
powerpoint. Is there an "easy" way to explain how to assign this VB code to
a particular object on a slide (how do I determine the "Rectangle #"? Where
do I paste this information -- in the script editor or in a new Module in
the in the Visual Basic editor?)

I understand if it's too complicated to try to explain, but if possible it
would be MUCH appreciated

Either way, thanks a million.


This code should change the colour of any shape you mouse over and change it
back after a short delay. You can alter the RGB numbers to change the colour
and set the delay by changing WaitTime

Sub ChangeColor(oshp As Shape)
orig = oshp.Fill.ForeColor.RGB
oshp.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(100, 0, 100)
oshp.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = orig
End Sub

Sub Wait()
waitTime = 1
Start = Timer
While Timer < Start + waitTime
End Sub

The code should be pasted into a module in the vb editor (alt f11. insert

Any shape you would like to change colour should have a mouseover action
setting of run macro

Note it will only work in show mode
Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist
email john AT
Essentially I really don't know how to incorporate this code into my
powerpoint. Is there an "easy" way to explain how to assign this VB code to
a particular object on a slide (how do I determine the "Rectangle #"? Where
do I paste this information -- in the script editor or in a new Module in
the in the Visual Basic editor?)

This explains how to include the code in your presentation:

How do I use VBA code in PowerPoint?

And joHn's explained how to set a shape so that it triggers the code, so I
think you're good to go. If there are still questions, we're here; ask. 'kay?
John Wilson said:
"joHn's explained" - your shift key sick too Steve?

To misquote the old joke, "I'm not making fun of him. I'm making fun of you."