I did not know what happened to the original reply to your posting. It must have sent personally to you. This time I make sure that it is sent to this newsgroup.
Thank you for mousekeys!
It is responding, but I need practice. For example, when I am on Yahoo Page and want to get on AUTOS right next to AUCTIONS. I have not been able to succeed with mousekeys to get there and thenk click it(5=Click). But alternatively, I get there by hitting TAB keys in succession about twenty times before hit ENTER key on keyboard..Is there such typing 20 TAB instead of clicking manually 20 times.
At least it works on keyboard. I now have one wire less to be tangled with!
Type mousekeys in help.
5 = Click
+ = Dbl Click
-, 5 = Right Click
-, + = Dbl Right Click
*, 5 = Both Button Click
*, + = Both Button Dbl Click
/ = Restore normal clicking
Ins (0) = Depress Left Mouse Button
Del (.) = Release Left Mouse Button
-, Ins (0) = Depress Right Mouse Button
Del (.) = Release Right Mouse Button (eg same as left button)
Do you mean that you are looking for something that is on a laptop where the keyboard and the mouse pad are close to each other.
If you are looking for the same thing in a desktop computer then you are out of luck.
M. Rajesh
.Net and Windows Shell MVP
I am trying to find an utility that enables keypad on the keyboard on
the right for mouse movements.
I am not too comfortable in using separate keyboard and mouse. Hope somebody
can recall that utility something like DOSKEY but it is serving other