Chris Mallett
Customize your keyboard and mouse with an open source, hotkey scripting
language that is backward compatible with AutoIt v2. If you're new to
scripting, there is an automatic script writer available that records your
keystrokes and mouse clicks and converts them into a working script (thanks
to Larry Keys). The help file is also filled with working examples of how
to automate everyday tasks.
AutoHotkey is more powerful than most commercially available hotkey
applications, able to make virtually *any* mouse button, keyboard key, or
combination into a hotkey. In addition, it can individually disable or
override Windows' own shortcut keys, such as Win-E and Win-R. It can also
create substitutes for Alt-Tab.
Retrieve or change virtually any setting of any soundcard.
Remap keys and mouse buttons.
Send keystrokes and mouse clicks to any window (without even needing to
activate it).
Launch programs, shortcuts, URLs, and documents.
Activate, hide, close, or resize any window.
Automate game actions using high-performance hotkeys and commands such as
Retrieve and change the clipboard's contents, even if it contains files
copied from the Explorer.
Copy, move, delete, or change the timestamp/attributes of selected files and
Enumerate files and folders that match a wildcard pattern, allowing
virtually any operation to be performed on them all, one at a time.
Read, write, and parse text files more easily than in most other languages.
Work with the registry and INI files using the included interface commands.
Display scripted dialogs to interact with the user: MsgBox, FileSelectFile,
FileSelectFolder, InputBox.
Compile any script into an EXE.
Improved InputBox to allow a custom size and position to be specified. In
addition, the window can now be resized by dragging its borders.
Added built-in variable %A_IdleTimePhysical%, which is the amount of time
that has passed since the mouse or keyboard was last used [NT/2K/XP only].
It is similar to %A_IdleTime% except that it ignores artificial input (the
kind generated by scripts and programs), and thus may be more useful for
detecting whether the user is truly present.
Added command StringSplit, which divides a string into an array of
substrings using the specified delimiters.
Added new type of loop: string-parse. It retrieves substrings (fields) from
a string one by one (similar to StringSplit but uses less memory).
Added new type of loop: file-read. It reads the contents of a file (line by
line) with higher performance than FileReadLine.
Homepage: http://www.autohotkey.com
Customize your keyboard and mouse with an open source, hotkey scripting
language that is backward compatible with AutoIt v2. If you're new to
scripting, there is an automatic script writer available that records your
keystrokes and mouse clicks and converts them into a working script (thanks
to Larry Keys). The help file is also filled with working examples of how
to automate everyday tasks.
AutoHotkey is more powerful than most commercially available hotkey
applications, able to make virtually *any* mouse button, keyboard key, or
combination into a hotkey. In addition, it can individually disable or
override Windows' own shortcut keys, such as Win-E and Win-R. It can also
create substitutes for Alt-Tab.
Retrieve or change virtually any setting of any soundcard.
Remap keys and mouse buttons.
Send keystrokes and mouse clicks to any window (without even needing to
activate it).
Launch programs, shortcuts, URLs, and documents.
Activate, hide, close, or resize any window.
Automate game actions using high-performance hotkeys and commands such as
Retrieve and change the clipboard's contents, even if it contains files
copied from the Explorer.
Copy, move, delete, or change the timestamp/attributes of selected files and
Enumerate files and folders that match a wildcard pattern, allowing
virtually any operation to be performed on them all, one at a time.
Read, write, and parse text files more easily than in most other languages.
Work with the registry and INI files using the included interface commands.
Display scripted dialogs to interact with the user: MsgBox, FileSelectFile,
FileSelectFolder, InputBox.
Compile any script into an EXE.
Improved InputBox to allow a custom size and position to be specified. In
addition, the window can now be resized by dragging its borders.
Added built-in variable %A_IdleTimePhysical%, which is the amount of time
that has passed since the mouse or keyboard was last used [NT/2K/XP only].
It is similar to %A_IdleTime% except that it ignores artificial input (the
kind generated by scripts and programs), and thus may be more useful for
detecting whether the user is truly present.
Added command StringSplit, which divides a string into an array of
substrings using the specified delimiters.
Added new type of loop: string-parse. It retrieves substrings (fields) from
a string one by one (similar to StringSplit but uses less memory).
Added new type of loop: file-read. It reads the contents of a file (line by
line) with higher performance than FileReadLine.
Homepage: http://www.autohotkey.com