Mouse Issue


Lenny Boy

Can anyone please tell me why the following happens, occasionally when I
boot up my pc and log in (Wimp SPA) my mouse behaves very strangely. 1 click
will pretty much select 6 or more icons (as if I have lasso'd them or have
held the shift key down) it also selects all things in various apps such as
word, and IE (equivalent to Ctrl-A). I have recently changed over my old
keyboard and mouse and replaced them with totally new ones but the same
thing keeps happening.

I have double checked the drivers, they are the latest and up to date.

This issue is sporadic as some of the time both mouse and keyboard work

Any suggestions or ideas?


Lenny said:
Can anyone please tell me why the following happens, occasionally when I
boot up my pc and log in (Wimp SPA) my mouse behaves very strangely. 1 click
will pretty much select 6 or more icons (as if I have lasso'd them or have
held the shift key down) it also selects all things in various apps such as
word, and IE (equivalent to Ctrl-A). I have recently changed over my old
keyboard and mouse and replaced them with totally new ones but the same
thing keeps happening.

I have double checked the drivers, they are the latest and up to date.

This issue is sporadic as some of the time both mouse and keyboard work

Any suggestions or ideas?
I had that problem when using a cheap eBuyer USB KVM (allows one
mouse/keyboard/monitor to be shared between two or more computers)

Locking Windows (WindowsKey + L) made the problem go away until it would
suddenly reappear a few hours later.

Kind Regards



Maybe it's a port issue. Check to make sure your ports are enabled. Maybe
that will do it. I had a problem with my printer printing legal size. I tried
everything possible it seemed. Went into preferences to try and change it and
it never would hold. I tried printer preview to see how it would come out. I
tried page setup, but no go. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling with
setup. I gave up and changed my paper back to letter size and kept the
settings at letter size. Then, one day not so long ago, I couldn't print
anything, nothing was printing. I messed around trying to get the printer to
print. Finally, I went into ports. I enabled a port and whammo! It worked on
legal. Mostly I would try at different times to use legal, or just give it a
shot. This time it worked. So, give it a shot.
Try this maybe. Go into device manager and see if anything comes up
without the + sign, if a - sign comes up then that's your problem possibly.
Play it cool,
Lenny Boy or Summoner

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