I had this problem 5 months ago and got a soultion for it from someone
online, but it some how has happened again and I can't find the original
My Problem.
I use an optical mouse in VISTA, and the cursor "sticks" for several seconds
at a time on screen, it just gets stuck on the screen, then after about 5
seconds it frees up. It happens several times an hour.
I'm 100% certain it has nothing to do with the mouse. Like I said, someone
on one of the online forums told me what to do to correct this once before
and it definitely worked. Unfortunately, my computer recently got sort of
're-configured' and I fear it undid the original correction.
I recall the person who origianlly offered the solution had directed me to
select something in Windows properties and then "un-check" or turn-off one
of the boxes if that makes sense.
I realize this is vauge, but for exampley it was a similar type of procedure
that you would go through if you were to open the properties of a windows
document and check or uncheck read-only.
This definitely corrected the problem but I cannot find the bookmark to the
soultion that this wise person gave me.
Can anyone help with this problem?
Much appreciated.
I had this problem 5 months ago and got a soultion for it from someone
online, but it some how has happened again and I can't find the original
My Problem.
I use an optical mouse in VISTA, and the cursor "sticks" for several seconds
at a time on screen, it just gets stuck on the screen, then after about 5
seconds it frees up. It happens several times an hour.
I'm 100% certain it has nothing to do with the mouse. Like I said, someone
on one of the online forums told me what to do to correct this once before
and it definitely worked. Unfortunately, my computer recently got sort of
're-configured' and I fear it undid the original correction.
I recall the person who origianlly offered the solution had directed me to
select something in Windows properties and then "un-check" or turn-off one
of the boxes if that makes sense.
I realize this is vauge, but for exampley it was a similar type of procedure
that you would go through if you were to open the properties of a windows
document and check or uncheck read-only.
This definitely corrected the problem but I cannot find the bookmark to the
soultion that this wise person gave me.
Can anyone help with this problem?
Much appreciated.