Mouse freeze spyware

Nov 29, 2005
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My friend has somehow managed to get his comp infected with loads of spyware.
It's in a pretty bad state, mouse is frozen, no internet, system restore disabled, and no hardware can be installed. Usually I'd just tell him to reformat, but he has some important coursework he needs which he can access, but can't transfer to another comp.

Ideally he'd like to disinfect, but a method of transferring the required documents would suffice.

His coursework is due in at the end of the week, so time is of the essence.

Any ideas?
Use Knoppix, a 'live' Linux CD that you do not install, to burn off his work. Then re-format the drive.

Grab an old hardrive that is not in use any more... Set it as master and install an OS. Then hook up the old drive as a slave and get what you need. Then format both.