Hi !
Right you are. My mistake. I saw "security", I overlooked "access".
Thank you for not turning into a flame-thrower....
.....as happened to me once in a NG called "alt. architecture" where I had
posted a question about .... architecture !; but it may have been because
my address was ------ .fr....

(e-mail address removed)
"Douglas J. Steele" <NOSPAM_djsteele@NOSPAM_canada.com> a écrit dans le
message de | Some context would be appropriate.
| First of all, this newsgroup is for questions about security in Access,
| database product that's part of Office Professional. Are you trying to set
| security parameters in Access when the mouse freezes?
| Assuming you're not, you'd be better off asking this in a newsgroup
| to whatever version of Windows you're using.
| --
| Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
| (no e-mails, please!)
| | > Hello to all,
| > Is it a known virus?
| > Wwhat is the cure ?
| > Thanks
| >
| >