Wonder if anyone can help with this...
What we're after is a means of mounting a laptop 2.5" or 1"
IDE hard drive (capacity > 2GB, but not a flash drive) into
a slim-line (laptop) IDE CD-ROM bay. I think a drive will
physically fit into the space, but we need the ironmongery
to hold it.
Does anyone know if such a contraption exists, and if so,
where one might be able to purchase it?
Wonder if anyone can help with this...
What we're after is a means of mounting a laptop 2.5" or 1"
IDE hard drive (capacity > 2GB, but not a flash drive) into
a slim-line (laptop) IDE CD-ROM bay. I think a drive will
physically fit into the space, but we need the ironmongery
to hold it.
Does anyone know if such a contraption exists, and if so,
where one might be able to purchase it?