Motherboard Driver Updates??

the unified nforce 2 drivers are from nvidia themselves and may not cover every device on the motherboard, always to best obtain drivers and updates from the motherboard manufacturer (ASUS) as apposed to the chipset manufacturer (Nvidia).

The unified driver package covers everything on the motherboard from IDE drivers, to Sound Drivers to LAN drivers... Anything like that.
Actually I'll disagree slightly with Techy's post ... while one would normally first look to the MB manufaturer for their latest drivers Asus, along with 98% of other nForce MBs manufacturers, don't/wont improve on the drivers supplied from nVidia. Chaintech are an exception.

Go ahead, nVidia will have the latest fixes & updates included. :thumb:

Thanks guys.

Went for the NVIDIA option and everything seems to be workin fine.

As an aside why is the whole "driver" update issue such a nightmare.

It's rare that a driver update will refer to a specific product giving you the confidence (as a bit of a self taught novice) to install it. And to add insult to injury ASUS give their drivers different reference numbers to NVIDIA.

Surely it could be more intuitive.
