BertieBigBollox wrote ...
OK. First PSU wont even power on with Pin 14 shorted - so thats
knackered for starters.
Did you have a load on that PSU? Shorting PS-ON to ground on the 20-
or 24-pin power connector (from PSU to mobo) may not get the PSU to
power on. The PSU may be smart enough to know there is no point in
powering up completely if there is no load on it. Add a working hard
drive on one of the power taps from the PSU. Make sure none of the
taps from the PSU are connected to anything other than the test hard
drive. Then short PS-ON (pin 14, green wire) to ground (a black
wire). With a hard drive connected, do you see and hear the fan
inside the PSU is spinning? Does the hard drive spin up?
I have yet to see mention that this computer ever did power up before.
You never mentioned if this was a working system or something you just
put together and it has yet to work. If it was a working computer
before, what did you change that then caused the computer not to power
up? Did you add some other hardware?
You said the "power LED on the mobo" lights up when you connect the
old or new PSU to the motherboard. And which LED is that? The one on
the front of the case? Or an LED on the motherboard?