Motherboard/CPU Problem

Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score

I recently upgraded my motherboard and CPU. I changed my motherboard from a Asus A8N-SLI to an Asus N3N78-EH. I changed my CPU from an AMD Athlon 4600+ to an AMD Athlon 6000+. The new motherboard also necessitated a change of RAM to DDR2 (from DDR). I kept 4GB of RAM however. Everything else is as before (graphics card, sound card, hard disk, etc)

I re-installed windows. The install deleted my old windows but I didn't format the C: first so still have all my files (should I have formatted first?). I then installed the new motherboard and graphics card drivers.

The problem is my new set-up is slower than my old one! I can only conclude that either I have set it up incorrectly (maybe not plugged one of the wires in the right place??) or one of the new parts (CPU, Motherboard or RAM) is not working correctly.

My old set up got a score of 8034 on 3dMark06 but my new upgraded version only got 5589

Can anyone offer an guidance on what I can do to track down and solve the problem? Device manager reports everything working fine so I am at a loss.

thanks for any help


It could be that your last amd x2 had 2mb cache memory and the new one has only 1.

Motherboards are alot to do with it as well, if you get a cheap one it will be slow.

Just some ideas

Thanks for the reply.

I think both processors have the same amount of memory - the new one just has a higher speed.

I'm pretty sure the new motherboard is more expensive and has more features than my old one.

Also my computer is not uniformly slower - I get good frame rates for 5-6 seconds then a sudden drop to 1-2 frames per second for 5-6 seconds and this process just repeats.
