Most recent entry for each item

  • Thread starter Thread starter finster26
  • Start date Start date


I have a list of projects with weekly data entered for
each project. I would like to find the most recent entry
for each project and then included that matching field
weekly data in teh next field. There are two tables. One
for list of projects the other for the weekly data.

I am able to get the most recent record by the following:

SELECT tProjects.ProjDescrip, Max(tProjectDiary.Date) AS
FROM tProjects RIGHT JOIN tProjectDiary ON
tProjects.ProjID = tProjectDiary.ProjID
GROUP BY tProjects.ProjDescrip;

It brings up the most recent date per project. But I need
to include the field with the data entry for the date.

On my website (see sig below) is a small sample database called
MaxQueryProblem which illustrates two solutions to the problem.