I continue to run into problems trying to represent basic C# concepts in
UML. Besides no standard notation for C#s Property, I see no standard
way to represent a Structure, differentiate between overridden and new.
have tried this for a Property.
| MyClass |
| <<get>><<set>>MyProperty : int |
| |
Any thoughts?
Good question Jeff. This may be one of those personal choice questions. To
me, it all depends on the level of detail that one needs to express on the
UML diagram. For example, at one level of detail one may just want to
| MyClass |
On another diagram, a different level of detail may be appropriate:
| MyClass |
| MyProperty : int |
| |
And still another diagram my need to know about the "Property-ness", such
| MyClass |
| <<Property>> MyProperty : int |
| |
And still another may need to show the implementation of the property
| MyClass |
| MyProperty : int |
| <<MyProperty>> get( ) : int |
| <<MyProperty>> set( value : int ) : void |
I guess there are a gazillion ways to express the level of detail that one
might need on a UML diagram for some stated purpose.
Not knowing who will be reading the diagrams and what they should learn from
those diagrams, it's difficult to know or recommend which encantation to
Good luck on your endeavors!