More than 8GB RAM?


Feb 23, 2002
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Is there anyone here with more than 8GB in their machine? I've had 8GB for several years now and it seems to be the sweetspot in terms of price/performance when heavily multitasking.

At the moment, I'm only running a handful of applications and I'm using around 40% of the total (I imagine a large part of that is cache).

Does anyone bother with more RAM than this? It seems 16GB is fairly common for mid-high end gaming machines, but I've found that 8GB still does me just fine (with my 3570k and GTX 960).
I have 16GB in mine, it was like <£20 more so figured what the hell.

I've seen it peak at around 12GB that was for either RotTR or Doom, I forget which one.

8GB if fine for now I think, but that said, if I were building now, I'd probably just get 16GB to cover myself.
Yeah I'd probably do the same, especially if it was just £20 :). Just curious how much RAM people use - I imagine it'll be a while yet before 16GB is considered essential for gaming.
I too have 16 GB of RAM in my 3 yr old PC. I've never regretted having that extra bit of oomph. :)

Edit: actually, I think it may be closer to being 4 yrs old! lol
I have 12gig in my Macbook Pro and if I am just browsing the internet used memory is around 18% but if I open something like Photoshop it jumps up to 50%
I have 16, it's cheap, overkill, but WTH :)
I couldn't resist :D
Yeah I have the Vengeance, 16GB 4x4GB stick
Originally only got the 8GB but it was cheap at the time so bought another 8GB about a week later

I think it was £34 at the time
Yeah I have the Vengeance, 16GB 4x4GB stick
Originally only got the 8GB but it was cheap at the time so bought another 8GB about a week later

I think it was £34 at the time

Took me 4 years but I've caught up :D.Cost £37 inc VAT and delivery, so not too much of a price increase over the years.
32Gb Corsair Vengeance here :blush:

Added 16 to 16 recently and as chronicled on this very forum - didn't make a blind bit of difference.

A waste of £54 in fact, to my mind. I'm told 32Gb would show it's worth when running virtual operating systems or multi tasking with programs such as CAD and video rendering. But I don't do any of those on this machine and it certainly hasn't made any difference to gaming as far as I'm aware.

I'd recommend 16Gb max.
My games rig has 8GB RAM. The only things that have ever maxed it were Photoshop (at high resolutions with many layers), and any kind of video editing in Adobe Premiere Pro. This runs horrifically on my games PC, so I now have a dedicated workstation laptop to do this with. This workstation laptop does have 16GB RAM and it works so much better. But obviously, it doesn't run games very well!

Ultimately, it really depends what you want to do. You can never have too much RAM*.

- Capt. Jack Sparrow.
* subject to motherboard and CPU limits.
It's really interesting to see how much RAM you guys have, it's way higher than I expected! I thought 4/8GB would be more common. I guess we are all on a PC forum though, so perhaps have more than average :).
I have only got 8 gig but there again my PC ain't high end just run of the mill self built:bow:
32GB here on my Skylake build. Everything I read about ram seemed to indicate that 8 GB was ok but 16 GB would be needed at some point for gaming.
I have 16 in my PC and 8 in my MacBook. I think 8 is the sweet spot for most use. I just went with 16 when I built my machine and I occasionally run VMs so it helps me do that comfortably.
I have 16 in my PC and 8 in my MacBook. I think 8 is the sweet spot for most use. I just went with 16 when I built my machine and I occasionally run VMs so it helps me do that comfortably.

That's something that I neglected to think about when I first made this thread, as I do run VMs on my machine - I've had to limit them to about 2GB RAM up until now. When I fired up Ubuntu yesterday I was able to give it 4GB without worrying that it would cause problems elsewhere :). I'm really pleased I upped the RAM to 16GB.
Using my 2009 Mac Pro with 16Gb and a 2Gb flashed graphics card booted as a PC I can run Battlefield 4 at maximum settings and it's extremely smooth. As it's only a 2.93 Ghz quad core processor I'm not sure if it's the card or the 16Gb RAM. (Gloat mode: and my best sniper headshot was at 1.46 Km.)