More than 10 years on here...

Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wow how quick of a decade has that been?

Site says I joined in 2003
Still 10 years on the site is still going strong
Keep it up

You are a Kool guy and so is everybody else in the Gang here at PC Review. Its been a decade of fun therefore it calls for a Celebration, right?

It's been nearly 10 years since I joined the forum too - time flies when you are having fun! :D
What Becky said :)

Although for me it's a little longer, the forum existed prior to 2002 but the older info was not retained following a forum upgrade. I think it was 1999, but can't be sure.

Somewhere there was once stored info, old forum pages, but I've mislaid the link.
Yep, 1999 I think - what a long time :eek:.

Congrats on the decade psd99, it's good to see you still around :).
Yes it was 1999, I still have some joke pages saved from that time :lol:
Ha, I was a bit late to the party. :D

Aug. 30th 2004.
I was using the forum a few years before I actually signed up and started posting so well over that for me..:nod: