More text

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The film I am creating requires a lot of writing at the
beginning. I can't seem to find what I really want. I
need this setup conservatively, no wild anamations. I
need to enter about a 1/2 page, the equivalent of a normal
typewritten sheet of paper.

I have Papa John's new book but I can't find anything
specific on this. I would appreciate any suggestions,
thank you,
(e-mail address removed)
Hi there,

Have you considered using the Text Method of your choice repeatedly. The
scrolling text for example. When you have finally filled it up, commit that
text and start a new one. repeat this untill all the text is entered and
then cause an overaly between each of them so that the final result is
continous scrolling....You can do this with most of the text options.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Thanks for responding. However I'm having a difficult
time. The animation scroll up stacked seems to be exactly
what I'm looking for but the columns on the left are
different from those on the right. The font size is
different. I tried changing the font size to equal out
then everything kept gradually changing and leaving big
gaps all over the place. Either I am doing something
wrong or this is one hell of a time consuming job. I hate
to bother you again about this but I know this is the
effect I want and if it takes too much time to explain do
you know where I can find out more about this? I really
want it to just slowly scroll up simular to the way a
regular TV program does it at the end of a show. In
Windows moviemaker-2 this seems to be the only animation
that I can find that comes close to what I want. I just
need an easier way of doing it if possible. Thanks again
if you can help,
Hi there,

The speed of the scroll is time dependent, so stretching the text to the
right so that it occupies a larger section of the time line will cause the
text to take longer to scroll up. Just select the right edge of the small
box that identifies the text and drag it to the right.

When you have that piece of text scrolling at the speed you want do the
following. Right click the text box and select COPY. then further along
right click the timeline and select now have two copies that
will take exactly the same amount of time to scroll. Now, double click the
second one and replace the text with the proper text for that section.

Repeat this until you have all of your text accounted for. THEN

Slightly overlap each of these text boxes so that as the first one finishes
the second one starts....repeat that process until all of the text boxes
are dealt with. AND THEN, add your movie stills whatever to the end of the
text and away you go !!

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Thanks, I think this will work, if you could just tell me
how to keep all the fonts at the same size? As I said
earlier the left and right columns differ in font size it
seems. This part is a little confusing. Also line
spacing,. Can it be controlled? If I use smaller fonts
will I get more on one line? And I think that will do
it. Thanks so much.

Once you set the font size thats it...if you are saying that you do not
want the "Start Wars" effect where the text scrolls to infinity then choose
another text effect.

I don't know what you mean by the size of the columns unless you are
talking about Left, Right and Central justifications. There is an option to
change that in the dialog for setting up the text.

Of course you will get more text on a line if the fonts size is smaller.
Why don't you try it out. You will also find a thing called a Help File. If
you look towards the top of the Movie Maker screen you will see a menu item
called HELP. I suggest that you have a read of it.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work