More Powerpro tips. . .

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My second article re: Powerpro, the all singing, all dancing Windows
enhancement utility available at . .

I was reading a recent request for a program to prevent RSI while working at
the computer. The writer was looking for a program that would remind him to
take breaks at regular intervals.

I created such a program using Powerpro's timers and sticky notes functions
with a twist of its scripting function thrown it. How it works is this:

1. Create a sticky note that says "Take a break," "Rest your eyes," "Grab a
coffee" whatever. I made this a black note with the text in yellow. I sized
this note to completely cover the desktop and chose the option to 'stay on
top.' Then I closed the note.

2. Using Powerpro's scripting I created a script that will run a timer for
random intervals between 15 and 20 minutes. I wanted to avoid the monotony
of precisely scheduled breaks (must be my ADD) yet still take breaks
frequently enough to be useful.

3. Powerpro lets you set up to 26 timers (one for each letter of the
alphabet). I've never had to use more than two, since you can set up a timer
"on the fly." The only thing that matters is what happens when the timer
goes off.

In this case I set up two timers. When the first timer runs out, it does two

a. opens the note which blanks out my desktop and prompts me with my message
to take a break

b. starts a second timer that runs for 2 minutes.

After two minutes, the second timer runs out and does two things:

a. it closes the note with an accompanying sound wav to remind me to get
back to work.

b. it starts the script running again for another 15 to 20 minutes.

The cycle repeats. . .

You could get much fancier. You could take advantage of the program's "open
random file" function to play a random piece of music during your break. You
could even have it open a note at random, each note with a different eye or
hand exercise to relieve the strain.

That's the beauty of this program. You can use it to "create your own" apps.

I've sometimes read requests here for a program that will open multiple
programs at once. Powerpro can do that easily.

Each toolbar that you create in Powerpro is actually a list of commands. You
can call up this list of commands from another button or toolbar. It will
run the commands in sequence like a script.

So for example, when I was on dial-up Internet, I wanted Zonealarm and the
Proxomitron to be running before I started IE. I created a command list that
opened each of these three programs in turn. However, I turned off the
option to display this command list as a toolbar.

Instead, on my main toolbar, I had a button labelled Internet. I pressed
this button and it ran the above command list "out of sight." PRESTO -- all
my programs opened up and I was ready to surf. You can even choose to
minimize them to the system tray automatically upon opening via Powerpro, if
they don't naturally have that capability.

You could get fancier, by creating a one-button toolbar, sized to 32x32
pixels and leave this on your desktop permanently. It would look to all
intents and purposes just like a normal Windows icon. One click and you're
Andy wrote in said:
<<ML>> Vat is dis Powrpro of which you speak?.

He provided a URL, but in case you are reading offline,
here is the description from
<> :

OS: Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP
Languages: English
Description: PowerPro gives you a compact and powerful launch
bar, menu, and tray icon facility. But this is just the start.
With a little experimenting with its configuration, you'll find
that you can use PowerPro to change the way you work with your
Windows system. The source of its power is the way PowerPro
integrates three capabilities: Running commands: Tool bars, tray
icons, hot keys, mouse actions, menus, timer, scheduler.
Controlling other program's windows: Close, minimize, maximize,
roll-up to caption, tray minimize, position. Providing utility
functions: Send keystrokes to programs, run commands when windows
first open, virtual desktops, clipboard extender, keyboard
macros, shutdown, show all folder files in a menu, sounds,
wallpaper, and screensaver activation and randomization.
Author: Bruce Switzer Company: PowerPro Company
Home Page: <>
Download v 3.8 (July 2003) (2122 KB)
(desc. rev.: 2003-11-25)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Doc said:
« snip »

Awesome program, suggest you try it.
Latest version is 3.8.13
Dated 13-March-2004
Download site

I tried it, and agree that it is awesome. However, I found the additional
bar irritating, and came to the conclusion that most of the functions could
be done more easily with existing programs. More troublesome than this, it
seemed to cause problems with Spampal and caused some systray icons to
disappear, although the programs still seemed to be operating. These
problems ceased when I removed PowerPro. This was when used in XP and it may
be that they do not occur with other OSs.


Frank Bohan
¶ Stamp out philately!
I tried it, and agree that it is awesome. However, I found the
additional bar irritating, and came to the conclusion that most of the
functions could be done more easily with existing programs. More
troublesome than this, it seemed to cause problems with Spampal and
caused some systray icons to disappear, although the programs still
seemed to be operating. These problems ceased when I removed PowerPro.
This was when used in XP and it may be that they do not occur with
other OSs.

Strange. Hundreds, nay, thousands of people including myself use PowerPro
under XP without the problems you describe. I have PowerPro running all
the time, and also use SpamPal and have not seen where either program
interferes in any way with the other. Neither have I seen any
disappearing tray icons.

The "irritating" toolbar, as you call it, is entirely optional; you don't
need to have any toolbars if you don't want any. I personally couldn't do
without the PP toolbar I've built however, but that's just me.

While it may be (and probably is) true that the requested functions could
be done more easily with other programs, you'd be doing yourself a
disservice by not learning and using PowerPro for these reasons:

1) You'd need to be learning and running multiple other apps instead of
just one.

2) You'll be amazed later when you discover the hundreds of other uses to
which you can put this gem to work.

After years of using this program, I am still finding new ways in which I
can use it to make using my computer easier and more productive. While
the learning curve can be a bit steep at first, it is well worth it.
Doc said:
Suggest you get the latest version.
Latest version is 3.8.13
Dated 13-March-2004
Download site

I can't find *any* information about this version on the PowerPro web
site. The download page shows a direct link and a link to Simtel. Both
links are for the version shown on the Pricelessware page (that file is
*named* pwrpro (not ppro)):

Download v 3.8 (July 2003) (2122 KB)

Help! Where is the information about version 3.8.13?

I can't find *any* information about this version on the PowerPro web
site. The download page shows a direct link and a link to Simtel. Both
links are for the version shown on the Pricelessware page (that file is
*named* pwrpro (not ppro)):

Download v 3.8 (July 2003) (2122 KB)

Help! Where is the information about version 3.8.13?


I am using v3.8.13. It may be that it is a beta release, not sure about
that. PowerPro users have a very active group at Yahoo, and that is where I
get the download links to each new version. Lots of knowledgeable people in
that group are very helpful, for which I am grateful. The developer of
PowerPro also posts there. HTH.
Doc said:
I am using v3.8.13. It may be that it is a beta release, not sure about
that. PowerPro users have a very active group at Yahoo, and that is where I
get the download links to each new version. Lots of knowledgeable people in
that group are very helpful, for which I am grateful. The developer of
PowerPro also posts there. HTH.

The regular releases are named, the many other releases are

If you want a regular release use the latest pwrpro version.
The pwrpro38 is the latest of those versions.
On the other hand, the ppro releases are also very stable, and for a
beginner who uses the basic functions it probably doesn't matter if he
uses the latest ppro or pwrpro version.

Look at for the latest of both
type of versions.
Roger said:
Doc wrote:

The regular releases are named, the many other releases are

If you want a regular release use the latest pwrpro version.
The pwrpro38 is the latest of those versions.
On the other hand, the ppro releases are also very stable, and for a
beginner who uses the basic functions it probably doesn't matter if he
uses the latest ppro or pwrpro version.

Look at for the latest of both
type of versions.

Hi Roger,

Thanks a lot. I'll continue to show the latest *regular* release in the
Pricelessware description.
