ToolPackinMama said:
People don't usually see what's inside. What they see is what's
outside. What can possibly compete with a high-recognition brand-name
better than a flashy case?
I'm more impressed with cases that don't conform to the norm.
For instance;
Case windows --- ho-hum...boring.
Leds --- Oooooohhhhh-aaaaahhhhhh..pretty but not outside the "norm".
Paint --- Depends how gifted the painter is, custom air brushing is better.
Odd-ball case designs --- Curiousity items, probably more fun to build
than anything else.
Now you're wondering what I use perhaps?
I use 4u rack mount server cases, I have two stacked in a home made rack
that is skinned in smoked plexiglass with etched radiation symbols on
the sides.
No Leds, no windows, everything is black/smoke-gray.
If anyone thinks they are going to steal this rig, they better bring a
fork lift, it weighs in at 85lbs!
It does takes up alot of desk space though....
I have yet to see anyone else use/mod a rack mount server case for home use.
So the short answer to your question is; What ever trips YOUR trigger.
