Earlier I got some great help. It did the trick
except I have one more challenge. I made a queriew
where I summed up the -1's. I then made a subreport based
on the querie...so ABS and -Sum won't work. Here is the following code
generated in the subreport because of the query.
SELECT [Per 1 Attendance].[DateClass], [Per 1 Attendance].[ClassName], [Per
1 Attendance].[CountOfLname], [Per 1 Attendance].[SumOfattended], [Per 1
Attendance].[SumOfNo Show] FROM [Per 1 Attendance]
SO... how do I get SumOfattended to be Positive in the code above.
Once again thanks in advance.
except I have one more challenge. I made a queriew
where I summed up the -1's. I then made a subreport based
on the querie...so ABS and -Sum won't work. Here is the following code
generated in the subreport because of the query.
SELECT [Per 1 Attendance].[DateClass], [Per 1 Attendance].[ClassName], [Per
1 Attendance].[CountOfLname], [Per 1 Attendance].[SumOfattended], [Per 1
Attendance].[SumOfNo Show] FROM [Per 1 Attendance]
SO... how do I get SumOfattended to be Positive in the code above.
Once again thanks in advance.