MORE imgdecmp.dll

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Hello all as Daniel suggested...
the situation is like this:
I have an OEM device with CE .net 4.2 on it, the image doesn't include the
imgdecmp.dll .... the problem that i can't contact the OEM so can i download
it or should i throw the device on my BOSS head.

thanks and best regards

Have you checked the missing of your imgdecmp.dll through CeFileViewer?
It could be possible that you just can't see it (DLLs are hidden).
Dear Sergey :
YES i've searched and find nothing :( .... as i can find it on other devices
like Symbol....


Thanks and best regards

Not sure where you could get imgdecmp other than from the OEM... maybe
download Platform Builder 4.2 and grab it from there (assuming the EULA
allows this... I don't know off hand)

Regardless, now might be a good time to migrate your code away from imgdecmp
which is unavailable for WinCE 5.0. Instead, the recommendation is to use
imaging.dll and the SHLoadImage* APIs.

Robert Levy
Program Manager
Mobile Devices Product Group

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
Hi Robert :

thnx , any way I CANT go for win ce 5.0 the device is win ce 4.2 did i miss
upgrading way???

thanks and best regards
But, Robert, isn't use of imgdecmp hidden inside CF runtime? How would he
make managed code use SHLoadImage without foregoing the whole managed
graphic API?
As CFv1 SP1, imgdecmp is only used as a fallback when imaging.dll is not

Robert Levy
Program Manager
Mobile Devices Product Group

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
If I wanted to FindResource() this


what would I use? There's no RT_GIF. This loads
fine using SHLoadImageResource(), but there's no
way to find the resource anymore (RT_RCDATA won't

Robert Levy [MS] ([email protected])[Mon, 27 Dec 2004 13:50:30 -0500]:
Regardless, now might be a good time to migrate your code away from imgdecmp
which is unavailable for WinCE 5.0. Instead, the recommendation is to use

It'd be a good idea to better document this API. This is the ENTIRE
thing now (GIF? I remember those from the 80s, back when VGA, 256 colors
and 640 KB was all anyone really needed):


Converts a .gif file in the resource file to a .bmp file. A resource
.gif file should be coded in the resource file as follows:

HBITMAP SHLoadImageResource ( HINSTANCE hinst, UINT uIdGif);
hinst [in] Handle to the module whose executable file contains the .gif file
uIdGif [in] UINT identifying the .gif file

Return Values
A handle to a bitmap if successful, NULL otherwise

Requirements: Pocket PC Platforms: Pocket PC 2003 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Header: Declared in aygshell.h
Library: Use aygshell.lib

What did you think of this topic?

Wrong question. The topic is fine. The coverage isn't.

Send us feedback: mailto:[email protected]

Also, for some reason,

iH = LoadLibrary(L"aygshell.dll");
if (iH) {
gLibSHLoadImageResource =

fails to get the proc address (gLibSHLoadImageResource = 0), with
GetLastError() saying 87 (invalid arg). This is exported from aygshell.dll,
appears to be spelled correctly, but it won't getprocaddress.

Version : 0
Machine : 1C0 (ARM)
TimeDateStamp: 3E90713E Sun Apr 06 13:26:06 2003
SizeOfData : 00000021
DLL name : AYGSHELL.dll
Symbol name : SHLoadImageResource
(iH,L"SHLoadImageResource"); looks the same
Type : code
Name type : ordinal
Ordinal : 64

Not much to do with CF, but back to imgdecmp for me.
Dear Robert :
I've downloaded the Platform Builder 4.2 didn't know how to get it ... can
you help

thanks and best wishes on 2005
I am not Robert, and it wasn't my suggestion to download PB to get this file
but since you have... Create a new project, follow one of the wizard default
projects, and build the image/platform. Then search in the folder it was
built for the said file (usually under C:\WINCE420\PUBLIC\ in the project
folder under RelDir)

That's the heavy handed way, yes. It's probably already built in the public
tree somewhere (don't have PB on this machine or I'd tell you). At any
rate, make sure your platform has "Pocket IE" included to get imgdecmp.dll,
and make sure you've installed and ARMv4 processor and have selected it as
your BSP or it won't work for you.
