If I wanted to FindResource() this
what would I use? There's no RT_GIF. This loads
fine using SHLoadImageResource(), but there's no
way to find the resource anymore (RT_RCDATA won't
Robert Levy [MS] (
[email protected])[Mon, 27 Dec 2004 13:50:30 -0500]:
Regardless, now might be a good time to migrate your code away from imgdecmp
which is unavailable for WinCE 5.0. Instead, the recommendation is to use
It'd be a good idea to better document this API. This is the ENTIRE
thing now (GIF? I remember those from the 80s, back when VGA, 256 colors
and 640 KB was all anyone really needed):
Converts a .gif file in the resource file to a .bmp file. A resource
.gif file should be coded in the resource file as follows:
HBITMAP SHLoadImageResource ( HINSTANCE hinst, UINT uIdGif);
hinst [in] Handle to the module whose executable file contains the .gif file
uIdGif [in] UINT identifying the .gif file
Return Values
A handle to a bitmap if successful, NULL otherwise
Requirements: Pocket PC Platforms: Pocket PC 2003 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Header: Declared in aygshell.h
Library: Use aygshell.lib
What did you think of this topic?
Wrong question. The topic is fine. The coverage isn't.
Send us feedback: mailto:
[email protected]
Also, for some reason,
iH = LoadLibrary(L"aygshell.dll");
if (iH) {
gLibSHLoadImageResource =
fails to get the proc address (gLibSHLoadImageResource = 0), with
GetLastError() saying 87 (invalid arg). This is exported from aygshell.dll,
appears to be spelled correctly, but it won't getprocaddress.
Version : 0
Machine : 1C0 (ARM)
TimeDateStamp: 3E90713E Sun Apr 06 13:26:06 2003
SizeOfData : 00000021
DLL name : AYGSHELL.dll
Symbol name : SHLoadImageResource
(iH,L"SHLoadImageResource"); looks the same
Type : code
Name type : ordinal
Ordinal : 64
Not much to do with CF, but back to imgdecmp for me.