Is there any way to have more than 4 hard disks (include any IDE device
cd-rom, dvd etc.)
on a system. What do I need?
Easy - get a motherboard with 4 IDE connections. That was popular a
while back but recently makers seem to have cut back a bit on it and
added other things like sound etc.
I also noticed like on my Asus deluxe they put 2 serial ATA
connections in addition to the two IDE so I could like my last two
motherboards hook up just as many devices but unfortunately they have
to be SATA or I have to go buy converters to hook up IDE devices to
the SATA connections - kind of expensive.
If you dont have 4 and only have the usual two - go buy a PCI
controller card you just plug in like any other card. I got the Maxtor
Promise card free several times when I bought Maxtors. This was also
really common in the past when UDMA controllers were new and many
older boards didnt have them. They are rarer now - as freebies but I
got one on my recent 200 meg Maxtor.
You can buy them in the US from $20-50. Ebay has alot of them on sale
too. Not sure what the cost would be in Europe.
The more expensive ones also have RAID features.
Of course youll need a mucho powerful Power Supply to push tons of
hard drives and burners etc.