Help required as usual. The Cmd button sits on a [mainform] while the
SISitemCode resides on a subform on the [mainform]. The [MainForm]
opens but is blank. I think I'm missing some path to the subForm
Private Sub cmdCloneItem_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMaterialMasterADD", , , "[SISitemCode] = " & Chr
$(34) & SISItemCode & Chr$(34)
End Sub
Any assistance would be appreciated.
SISitemCode resides on a subform on the [mainform]. The [MainForm]
opens but is blank. I think I'm missing some path to the subForm
Private Sub cmdCloneItem_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMaterialMasterADD", , , "[SISitemCode] = " & Chr
$(34) & SISItemCode & Chr$(34)
End Sub
Any assistance would be appreciated.