More data woes....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Graham Blandford
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Graham Blandford

Hi all,

Well I abandoned the use of a datagrid in my windows form and have opted to
use a listbox instead.

I have, following a helpful article created an item class and loaded it with
values from an ADO recordset.

Now, if I read the data I get a field (clientid) looking like this;


when in fact, the actual data (as viewed using say a binding to a datagrid)
looks like this;


Why is it placing {} around the string and CASING up?

Here's some code snippets - where could this be happening?

By the way - I'm forced to use ADO as the dataaccess method in this case -
it is pulled from a 3rd-party reference which returns an ADO recordset.
I guess I could load the data into a dataset prior to reading - but then I'm
not sure how I read through the set sequentially.....

The defined class:-

Private clientid As String
Private Class ClientListItem
Private clientid As String
Private clientname As String
Public Sub New(ByVal id As String, ByVal name As String)
clientid = id
clientname = name
End Sub
Public Property listclientid() As String
Return clientid
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
clientid = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property listclientname() As String
Return clientname
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
clientname = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
' this can be whatever you want to show in the listbox
Return clientname & " " & clientid
End Function
End Class
And here's the loading of the data into the listbox;

If rsclients.State <> ADODB.ObjectStateEnum.adStateClosed Then
While Not rsclients.EOF
id = Trim(rsclients.Fields(0).Value)
name = rsclients.Fields("clientname").Value
' Debug.WriteLine(rsclients.Fields("clientid").Value & " " &
' Debug.WriteLine(id.ToString & " " & name.ToString)
Dim liclients As New ClientListItem(id.ToString, name.ToString)
End While
End If

If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate it.

Ok.. Ok... yep.. I got it... GUID.....

Thanks, for anyone that already took the time to reply......

Datagrid columns will call the ToString() method of the datatype (which all
have in .NET since they all derive from object). Thats how you get your

In your case, your using a GUID which when calling the ToString() removes
the {}'s