Monthly Vendor Report

  • Thread starter Thread starter DRoads
  • Start date Start date


Need help and don't know where to start. Working in Access 2007 and need to
create the following.......

Need to create the following report

V# Vendor Name Jan Feb Mar Apr
0018 ABC Co. $1,200 $ 600 $ 300 $500
0020 DEF Co. 1,800 303 212 50

Data comes in monthly from AP file (imported from SQL Server) as

Date Check Amount V# Vendor Name
01/01/09 $ 600 0018 ABC Co.
01/12/09 800 0020 DEF Co.
01/15/09 600 0018 ABC Co.
01/18/09 1,100 0020 DEF Co.


How do I go about taking multiple lines of data and create a report that
will list one vendor with multiple totals (monthly)

All help is appreciated.
I "think" Duanes' link will help after you make the crosstab query and
that can be done with the wizard as your first step to help you.
The V# and VName will be a Row Heading the Date will be the Column heading
and the wizard will actuall ask you to do it by Month (if the field is a date
field) and the Check amount will be summed. After creating you can look at
both the Design and the SQL

SQL looks something like this

TRANSFORM Sum(tblPayments.Payment) AS SumOfPayment
SELECT tblPayments.CompanyID, tblPayments.Company, Sum(tblPayments.Payment)
AS [Total Of Payment]
FROM tblPayments
GROUP BY tblPayments.CompanyID, tblPayments.Company
PIVOT Format([PaymentDate],"mmm") In

Have only done a little with crosstabs so don't know how to apply the
"dynamic" aspect to this - but you may not need it for your situation anyways.

Steve said:

If you need help and truly don't know where to start, I would like to
offer to help you fro a small fee. I provide help with Access, Excel and
Word applications for a reasonable fee. Contact me if you are interested.

(e-mail address removed)

These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support.
There are many highly qualified individuals who gladly help for free. Stevie
is not one of them, but he is the only one who just does not get the idea of
"FREE" support. He offers questionable results at unreasonable prices. If he
was any good, the "thousands" of people he claims to have helped would be
flooding him with work, but there appears to be a continuous drought and he
needs to constantly grovel for work.

A few gems gleaned from the Word New User newsgroup over the past Christmas
period and a few gems from the Access newsgroups to show Stevie's

Dec 17, 2008 7:47 pm

Word 2007 ..........
In older versions of Word you could highlght some text then go to Format -
Change Case and change the case of the hoghloghted text. Is this still
available in Word 2007? Where?
Thanks! Steve

Dec 22, 2008 8:22 pm

I am designing a series of paystubs for a client. I start in landscape and
draw a table then add columns and rows to setup labels and their
corresponding value. This all works fine. After a landscape version is
completed, I next need to design a portrait version. Rather than strating
from scratch, I'd like to be able to cut and paste from the landscape
version and design the portrait version.

Dec 24, 2008, 1:12 PM

How do you protect the document for filling in forms?

One of my favourites:
Dec 30, 2008 8:07 PM - a reply to stevie
(The original poster asked how to sort a list and stevie offered to create
the OP an Access database)
Yes, you are right but a database is the correct tool to use not a

Not at all. If it's just a simple list then a spreadsheet is perfectly

Sept 10, 2009
(In respose to a perfectly adequate GENERIC solution stevie wrote)

This function is specific to the example but not generic for any amount paid


Sept 9, 2009
Steve said:
you can then return all the characters in front of it with the Left()
fumction. Would look like:
Left("YourString",Instr("YourString","VbCr" Or "VbLf") - 1)


No, it would not look like

Left("YourString",Instr("YourString","VbCr" Or "VbLf") - 1)

First of all, the constants are vbCr and vbLf: no quotes around them. With
the quotes, you're looking for the literal strings.

Second, you can't Or together character constants like that. Even if you
could, Or'ing them together in the InStr function like that makes no sense
at all.

Sept 22,2009
Sorry Steve, even I can see that this is a useless answer. I made it pretty
clear that "CW259" is just ONE possible value for the control.

Steve said:
Hello David,

Open your report in design view and select txtOrderID. Open properties and
go to the Data tab. Put the following expression in the Control Source



John... Visio MVP

I'm assuming that since you know that this forum is for FREE advice and FREE
help and that you have been told this, and reminded of this everytime you
post an offer to completely write a database for someone then I am also
assuming that your "small and reasonable fee" would be a simple a thank you
(which would be free). See where I'm going with this? So.... I would like
to take you up on your offer to supply me with a FREE database. Is that what
you're offering on this FREE advice site? How kind of you. Please post
where you would like me to send you the information for this FREE database
and I'll work with you on it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The offer is
extremely kind of you.
Steve said:
a small fee. a reasonable fee.

Small or reasonable? What is small is your mind and what would be
reasonable would be for you to stop breaking the rules.
Steve said:
Ask Gina Whipp, Visio John, arno r or Keith Wilby; surely one of them will
do it for free. They constantly advertise that this forum is for free

No, *you* are the only one to "constantly advertise" anything on here and
"this forum" exists for free help and nothing else. I see your tone to the
OP has changed somewhat from the original grovelling now that you know
there's no money in it for you. Everyone lurking is taking note and I'm
sure will give you a wide berth if they do seek paid help.

I and the others you mention will gladly give help for free if we are able

Offer free help or get lost, it's *that* simple.

Are you saying that you are on this FREE forum and you won't help me for
I don't understand Steve. What are you doing here then..... are you looking
for people to PAY you for a service? Is that your understanding of this
forum? Do people as to be paid everytime you ask a question to the forum?

Well, I'm severely disappointed in you Steve. You misled me by appearing on
this forum and then asking for MONEY! Shame on you.

My ears are ringing...

I have and will provide help for FREE in this FREE newsgroup should I catch
hold of your question. And yes, on several occassions that has meant having
databases sent me and yes, I have done it for FREE because that is what this
newsgroupforum is about AND because in this newsgroup asking for fee is
against the Rules of Conduct.

As a side note, every question is simple, IF you know the answer...
However, no CORRECT answer is simple no matter what the question.

As I see this question has a solution provided by Duane, I will move
along... ringing stopped!
Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors
Steve said:
It's your lucky day!!!

It will be our lucky day when you leave these groups for good. Good in
every sense of the word. How quickly your grovelling tone changes to
scathing when your victim won't stump up the cash. I can't think of one
instance on these groups where a complex and all-encompassing solution was
offered to any newbie to Access. That's the point $teve, people come here
for solutions to *specific* problems they have developing *their own*
applications. They don't want nor do they expect a spiv to be standing on
the corner offering paid help of dubious quality.

Future potential victims will read these postings and give you the wide
berth you deserve.

Provide free help or get lost, it's *that* simple.
Steve said:
It's your lucky day!!!

It will be our lucky day when you leave these groups for good. Good in
every sense of the word. How quickly your grovelling tone changes to
scathing when your victim won't stump up the cash. I can't think of one
instance on these groups where a complex and all-encompassing solution was
offered to any newbie to Access. That's the point $teve, people come here
for solutions to *specific* problems they have developing *their own*
applications. They don't want nor do they expect a spiv to be standing on
the corner offering paid help of dubious quality.

Future potential victims will read these postings and give you the wide
berth you deserve.

Provide free help or get lost, it's *that* simple.
Steve said:
You appear to be a lazy moocher; too lazy to google for an answer, explore
the Help file, look at Northwind or look at MS templates or go to
to see if there is anything there to help you. You just want someone to
spend a lot of their time developing an answer for you and then hand it to
you for free.

A far cry from your grovelling first response $teve. He won't hand you his
wallet so you attack him. You're a cyber-mugger!

BTW take a look at Gina's web site. It's brimming with free stuff and makes
yours look like the pathetic bland and pale imitation it really is. Tips
and tricks coming soon folks! Well that was at least five years ago.
Actually, I wanted to say thanks to Duane Hookom and CraigH. Between the two
responses it took me a whole 20 minutes to create the database that I wanted
and it works GREAT! As for the comments from Steve. How dare you assume
anything about me. I am not lazy but I AM a one person shop and don't always
have the time to spend looking up answers that I know the knowledgable people
on this site have obtained over the years. I thought this site was used for
that purpose.

I would like to point out, however, that if anyone is LAZY it would be you.
Are you too lazy to set up a website and get good honest work for yourself.
Seems you visit these boards trying to drum up work and get answers for
yourself. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black, huh?

BruceM via said:
She said nothing of the sort. Rather, she said she has accepted e-mailed
databases in the past. If you can't understand that, there is no chance you
will understand a client's requirements. As for offering a few free
suggestions as a rationale for soliciting money for your questionable
"services" in other postings, you alone stumble down that road.

Your attacks on the OP are beyond pathetic. It is a new low, even for you,
which is saying something. It also suggests the manner in which you would
interact with clients, which may be part of the reason you have none.
It's your lucky day!!!

If you can't solve your problem on your own after looking at Duane's sample
DB, Gina Whipp says she will implement a solution for you for free. All you
have to do is send her your database.

So why go through the agony of doing it yourself, just send your database to
Ms. Whipp. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?
[quoted text clipped - 80 lines]
but he has had a website for years, Check out his
Access tips.
He also is a very busy blogger

John... Visio MVP

DRoads said:
Actually, I wanted to say thanks to Duane Hookom and CraigH. Between the
responses it took me a whole 20 minutes to create the database that I
and it works GREAT! As for the comments from Steve. How dare you assume
anything about me. I am not lazy but I AM a one person shop and don't
have the time to spend looking up answers that I know the knowledgable
on this site have obtained over the years. I thought this site was used
that purpose.

I would like to point out, however, that if anyone is LAZY it would be
Are you too lazy to set up a website and get good honest work for
Seems you visit these boards trying to drum up work and get answers for
yourself. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black, huh?

BruceM via said:
She said nothing of the sort. Rather, she said she has accepted e-mailed
databases in the past. If you can't understand that, there is no chance
will understand a client's requirements. As for offering a few free
suggestions as a rationale for soliciting money for your questionable
"services" in other postings, you alone stumble down that road.

Your attacks on the OP are beyond pathetic. It is a new low, even for
which is saying something. It also suggests the manner in which you would
interact with clients, which may be part of the reason you have none.
It's your lucky day!!!

If you can't solve your problem on your own after looking at Duane's
DB, Gina Whipp says she will implement a solution for you for free. All
have to do is send her your database.

So why go through the agony of doing it yourself, just send your
database to
Ms. Whipp. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?


[quoted text clipped - 80 lines]

Checked out the website (thanks) . I would think that someone that spends so
much time distributing "TIPS" from this newsgroup would have a rather
extensive tips page on their website. He should at least pull down the page
until he can populate it.

I just didn't appreciate his assumption that I either didnt' know what I was
doing so I needed his extensive knowledge and $help or that I must be lazy
because I was sarcastically taking him up on his "free" offer. What a
vulture. I not only finished the database quickly using the tips that some
were so kind as to write in but I did it without the $$$help$$$ of $teve.
How's that for stupid and lazy $teve?

To others.... please never underestimate your own creativity and the
kindness and knowledge sharing of (most of) the people on this site.

Thanks John
OMG! He's a blogger? Running to look... oh, nevermind...

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

John... Visio MVP said:
but he has had a website for years, Check out his
Access tips.
He also is a very busy blogger

John... Visio MVP

DRoads said:
Actually, I wanted to say thanks to Duane Hookom and CraigH. Between the
responses it took me a whole 20 minutes to create the database that I
and it works GREAT! As for the comments from Steve. How dare you assume
anything about me. I am not lazy but I AM a one person shop and don't
have the time to spend looking up answers that I know the knowledgable
on this site have obtained over the years. I thought this site was used
that purpose.

I would like to point out, however, that if anyone is LAZY it would be
Are you too lazy to set up a website and get good honest work for
Seems you visit these boards trying to drum up work and get answers for
yourself. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black, huh?

BruceM via said:
She said nothing of the sort. Rather, she said she has accepted
databases in the past. If you can't understand that, there is no chance
will understand a client's requirements. As for offering a few free
suggestions as a rationale for soliciting money for your questionable
"services" in other postings, you alone stumble down that road.

Your attacks on the OP are beyond pathetic. It is a new low, even for
which is saying something. It also suggests the manner in which you
interact with clients, which may be part of the reason you have none.

Steve wrote:
It's your lucky day!!!

If you can't solve your problem on your own after looking at Duane's
DB, Gina Whipp says she will implement a solution for you for free. All
have to do is send her your database.

So why go through the agony of doing it yourself, just send your
database to
Ms. Whipp. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?


[quoted text clipped - 80 lines]


He knew that.. he's just being $teve. I am just sorry the OP had to get
caught up in his foolishness, though I see he is doing a great job of
holding his own!

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

BruceM via said:
She said nothing of the sort. Rather, she said she has accepted e-mailed
databases in the past. If you can't understand that, there is no chance
will understand a client's requirements. As for offering a few free
suggestions as a rationale for soliciting money for your questionable
"services" in other postings, you alone stumble down that road.

Your attacks on the OP are beyond pathetic. It is a new low, even for
which is saying something. It also suggests the manner in which you would
interact with clients, which may be part of the reason you have none.
It's your lucky day!!!

If you can't solve your problem on your own after looking at Duane's
DB, Gina Whipp says she will implement a solution for you for free. All
have to do is send her your database.

So why go through the agony of doing it yourself, just send your database
Ms. Whipp. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?
[quoted text clipped - 80 lines]
I'm glad to hear you got this working for you.

I am generally okay with accepting a zipped MDB by mail to work on for free.
This has happened many times over the past 10+ years that I have been
providing support here. I always attempt to resolve programming/development
issues in the public news groups first.

If the public forum doesn't work out for some reason, I sometimes volunteer
my off-line time at no cost. I believe Gina and many others will do the same.
This is not an invitation for anyone to email a file to any of us un-invited.
If you email most of us off-line/un-invited and ask us to do your work, you
can expect to get an estimate back for our work (or a polite refusal).

DRoads, thanks for the entertaining replies and feel free to ask as many
questions as you like ;-)
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

DRoads said:
Actually, I wanted to say thanks to Duane Hookom and CraigH. Between the two
responses it took me a whole 20 minutes to create the database that I wanted
and it works GREAT! As for the comments from Steve. How dare you assume
anything about me. I am not lazy but I AM a one person shop and don't always
have the time to spend looking up answers that I know the knowledgable people
on this site have obtained over the years. I thought this site was used for
that purpose.

I would like to point out, however, that if anyone is LAZY it would be you.
Are you too lazy to set up a website and get good honest work for yourself.
Seems you visit these boards trying to drum up work and get answers for
yourself. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black, huh?

BruceM via said:
She said nothing of the sort. Rather, she said she has accepted e-mailed
databases in the past. If you can't understand that, there is no chance you
will understand a client's requirements. As for offering a few free
suggestions as a rationale for soliciting money for your questionable
"services" in other postings, you alone stumble down that road.

Your attacks on the OP are beyond pathetic. It is a new low, even for you,
which is saying something. It also suggests the manner in which you would
interact with clients, which may be part of the reason you have none.
It's your lucky day!!!

If you can't solve your problem on your own after looking at Duane's sample
DB, Gina Whipp says she will implement a solution for you for free. All you
have to do is send her your database.

So why go through the agony of doing it yourself, just send your database to
Ms. Whipp. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?


[quoted text clipped - 80 lines]

Gina Whipp said:
OMG! He's a blogger? Running to look... oh, nevermind...

If only these groups were as popular with him as his "blog". Still, it's
quiet for now, pehaps he's gone back under his stone.