u can do it yourself using atlas (to prevent refreshing the hole page) and
or using a simple javascript for that...
<asp:linkbutton id="prv" runat="server" text="<<" onclick="move(-1)" />
<asp:linkbutton id="dte" runat="server" />
<asp:linkbutton id="nxt" runat="server" text=">>" onclick="move(1)" />
sub move( where as integer )
dim a as array
dim m, y as integer
a = split( dte.text, " " ) ' we split the month and year by the space
between the 2 values
select case a(0).tostring.tolower
case "january"
m = 1
case "february"
m = 2
case "march"
m = 3
end select
m += where
if m > 12 then ' if the month is bigger, we set the month to january and add
1 to the year
m = 1
y = cint(a(1)) + 1
elseif m < 1 then ' otherwise we set the month to december and move back 1
m = 12
y = cint(a(1)) - 1
end if
' the new date string to present
dte.text = monthname(m) & " " & y
end sub
in the page_load event inside if not page.ispostback set the dte.text =
monthname( datepart(month, datetime.today ) ) & " " & datepart(year,
datetime.today )