Thanks to the group, I was able to set up an expression in my query t
report year to date sales... but still hung up on Month to date
This is the expression for YTD... any modification suggestions t
report Month only?
04YTDSales: Sum(Abs(Year([PostMonth])=(2004))*[CommVolume])
CommVolume is our commission paid $$..
PostMonth is date commisssion was paid mmmyyyy format
I want my report to show a field w/current month & year to date
report year to date sales... but still hung up on Month to date
This is the expression for YTD... any modification suggestions t
report Month only?
04YTDSales: Sum(Abs(Year([PostMonth])=(2004))*[CommVolume])
CommVolume is our commission paid $$..
PostMonth is date commisssion was paid mmmyyyy format
I want my report to show a field w/current month & year to date