I've been trying to get my report to print a month name (January, February, etc) instead of the month number that is coming from my query. I created a table with the numbers and the months and tried just adding a relationship between the two fields (one in the table and one in the query), then ran the report wizard to create the report selecting the needed fields from the query and the month field from the month table, but it gives me an error that says:"You have chosen fields from record sources which the wizard can't connect. You may have chosen fields from a table and from a query based on that table. If so, try choosing fields from only the table or only the query." I'm confused... the months table is in no way used in the creation of the query. Can you offer any suggestions or solutions as to how I can get my report to just give me the name of the months rather than the number? Please keep in mind that I'm a reletive novice in Access. Thanks in advance!