Using a month calendar control so that my user can select a start and end
date for a range that will be used in a SQL query.
Problem.....if user selects a date in one month and then scrolls to the next
month the "date" moves with the scroll......i.e. click on 3rd Feb and then
move to March, without any further selection being clicked the selected date
has become 3rd March....
How can I click on a single date in one moth and then move to another month
without that selected date being changed to the same day in the new month.
Any help appreciated
Michael Bond
Using a month calendar control so that my user can select a start and end
date for a range that will be used in a SQL query.
Problem.....if user selects a date in one month and then scrolls to the next
month the "date" moves with the scroll......i.e. click on 3rd Feb and then
move to March, without any further selection being clicked the selected date
has become 3rd March....
How can I click on a single date in one moth and then move to another month
without that selected date being changed to the same day in the new month.
Any help appreciated
Michael Bond